Rlabz Edutech
Topics to be covered in workshop
(95% Demonstration & Live attacks)
1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Ethics & Legality
1.1) Hacking Terminology
1.2) Hacking History
1.3) Role of Ethical Hacker
1.4) Steps in Ethical Hacking
1.5) Types Hacking Technologies
1.6) Types of Hackers
1.7) Skills required to become an Ethical Hacker
2. Introduction to Internet & Networks
2.1) Network
2.2) Internet
2.3) Basics of Network
2.4) Reference Models
2.5) Networking Devices
2.6) Networking Architectures
2.7) Top Vulnerabilities in Networking Devices
3. Information Security
3.1) Email Hacking, Sending fake e-mails.
3.2) Different ways to hack Orkut, Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail almost any Account!
4. Footprinting & Information gathering
4.1) Reconnaissance
4.2) Information Gathering Methods (Demo)
4.3) Tools used for Information gathering (Maltego, WhoIs ARIN lookups) (Demo)
4.4) Understanding Traceroute, Web spiders (Demo)
4.5) Information Gathering through Social Engineering & Countermeasures
5. Scanning Network and Host Information
5.1) Sniffers (Wireshark & Nmap)
5.2) Wireshark – Analyzing Traffic (Demo)
5.3) Scanning (Port, Network & Vulnerability) (Demo)
5.4) Enumeration
6. System Hacking
6.1) Introduction to most common Attacks
6.2) Password Cracking
6.3) Phishing (Demo)
6.4) Malwares & Spywares (Trojans & Key loggers) (Demo)
6.5) Root kits on Windows
6.6) Denial of Service on target and Website (Demo)
6.7) Session Hijacking (Hacking Facebook Account) (Demo)
6.8) SQL Injection/SQLI (Demo)
6.9) Cross Site Scripting/XSS (Demo)
6.10) Man-in-the-Middle Attack (Demo)
6.11) DNS Spoofing (Demo)
6.12) Java Applet attack (Demo)
6.13) Driftnet Phishing (Demo)
6.14) Bluetooth Hacking (Demo).
7. Maintaining Access
7.1) Creating Backdoors on Web applications
7.2) Upload box Attack (Demo)
8. Covering Tracks & Hiding Identity
8.1) Using Proxy on Network (Demo)
8.2) Using Proxy on Web Applications (Demo)
8.3) Bypassing basic Defenses (Demo)
Competition winner:
The winner of competition will be awarded a cash prize worth Rs 2000/- and a certificate of merit certified by Rlabz Edutech Pvt. Ltd.
Some key take away by participants:
- Certificate of participation affiliated to Rlabz Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Preloaded CD/DVD’s as a study material to every student for each relevant area.
- A wholesome exposure and experience in the field of Hacking, Web attacks and latest Cyber technology like never before.
- Quality, Commitments and Services (QCS Model of company).
- Exotic LIVE DEMOS for better understanding. Research design based Power Point Presentations.
- Lot of Surprising videos, Quizzes and goodies.
- Practical training in all aspects. Rlabz takes pride in long term relation building.
For registration and schedule contact
MOHIT JAIN(7838776566)