Wednesday 6 March 2013

LINUX- An Event in CORONA'13

Rlabz Edutech

Topics to be covered in workshop

Module1: Getting Started
  •  Introduction to UNIX, Linux, and GNU.
  • Programming in Linux – Programs, Editors, Compilers
  • Shell Programming
  • C practice and Debugging
  • Lab Assignment – Getting Started 
Module 2: Processes
  • What is a Process?
  • Process Descriptor and Task Structure
  • Process Creation
  • System Call – Fork
  • Lab Assignment - Processes 
Module 3: System Call
  • APIs, POSIX, and C library
  • System Calls
  • System Call Handler
  • System Call Implementation
  • System Call Context
  • Lab Assignment – System Call
Module 4: Scheduling
  • Policy
  • Linux Scheduler
  • Pre-emption and Context switching
  • Lab Assignment - Scheduling
Module 5: Signals
  • Concept of Signals
  • Sending Signals
  • Signal Sets
  • Lab Assignment - Signal 
Module 6: Pipes
  • Concept of Pipes.
  • Named Pipes – FIFO and Unnamed Pipes
  • Application of Pipes
  • Lab Assignment - Pipes 
Module 7: IPC – Semaphores
  • Concept of Semaphores
  • A Theoretical Example
  • Linux Semaphore Facility
  • Lab Assignment - Semaphores 
Modules 8: IPC – Shared Memory
  • Concept of Shared Memory
  • Lab Assignment – Shared Memory 
Module 9: IPC – Message Queues
  • Concept of Message Queues
  • Lab Assignment – Message Queues
Module 10: POSIX Threads
  • What is a Thread?
  • Pros and Cons of Threads
  • Simultaneous Execution
  • Synchronization
  • Thread Attributes
  • Writing a multi-threaded program
  • Lab Assignment – Threads 
Module 11: Other topics
  • Interrupt routing
  • Paging and Segmentation
  • Caches, TCM and TLB
  • Mutex, Futex, Spinlock
  • Priority Inversion
  • Priority Inheritance
  • Competition- will be disclosed on the spot
  • Certificate of participation affiliated to Rlabz Edutech Pvt. Ltd. 
Some key take away by participants:
Certificate of participation affiliated to Rlabz Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Preloaded CD/DVD’s as a study material to every student for each relevant area. A wholesome exposure and experience in the field of computer , Engineering and latest technology like never before.

Why Rlabz Edutech?
  • Quality, Commitments and Services (QCS Model of company)
  • Exotic LIVE DEMOS for better understanding
  • Research design based Power Point Presentations
  • Lot of Surprising Videos, Quizzes and Goodies
  • Practical training in all aspects
  • Rlabz takes pride in long term relation building
 Competition winner:
The winner of competition will be awarded a cash prize worth Rs- 2000/ , a complete Linux kit and a certificate of merit certified by Rlabz Edutech Pvt. Ltd.

Registration Fee:
For Registration and Schedule contact
MOHIT JAIN(7838776566)